el sentido de la vida, el universo y todo lo demas


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the answer to life, the universe, and everything

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Este post es muy extraño, no me estoy enterando de nada [ojos2] [ojos2] [aiba] [aiba] [aiba]
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is numeric in Douglas Adams' series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. In the story, a "simple answer" to The Ultimate Question is requested from the computer Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. Unfortunately, The Ultimate Question itself is unknown, suggesting on an allegorical level that it is more important to ask the right questions than to seek definite answers. Indefinite answers to some questions are better left that way if it is the wrong question.

When asked to produce The Ultimate Question, the computer says that it can't, but it can help design an even more powerful computer (the Earth) that can. The programmers then embark on a further, ultimately futile, ten-million-year program to discover The Ultimate Question, a process that is hindered after eight million years by the unexpected arrival on Earth of the Golgafrinchans and then ruin completely, five minutes before completion, when the Earth is destroyed by the Vogons, to make way for a new Hyperspace Bypass.

The author was presented with many readers' theories about The Ultimate Question and The Ultimate Answer in his lifetime, all of which he rebutted with his own somewhat apocryphal explanations.

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es que en el ultimo disco de Coldplay, hay una cancion que se llama 42... me pico la curiosidad de donde vendria el nombre y encontre esto, y me quede pilladismo.
Pues todos a leer "la guia del autoestopista galactico" de Douglas Adams, probablemente el libro más divertido que leí, además de tener mucha chicha filosófica, no todo en esta vida es windsurf(creo).