PWA Lanzarote


Totalwind Hero
Pto. de Soller - Sierra de Tramontana
Douglas ‘Cheo’ Diaz and Daida Moreno win the Lanzarote freestyle event. Ricardo Campello and Daida Moreno grab the overall freestyle title for yet another year.

After a full on day of back to back competing, Douglas Diaz and Daida Moreno win the 2005 Lanzarote freestyle title.
Today the wind was playing ball at a solid 20 knots. The goal of the day was to finish the second round single elimination as well as the double.
The men’s single elimination turned out to be a Venezuelan affair, with Douglas Diaz ripping his way to the final from one side and Jose Estredo storming in from the other end of the ladder. In the semi-final, Diaz knocked out Kevin Mevissen while Estredo was too much for Taty Frans.
At 12:30 the double elimination was kicked off. Title contenders Ricardo Campello and Kauli Seadi were steadily moving forward to top of the ladder, with the top 3 overall still far from decided. The tables turned however in heat 63, when Kauli Seadi met his match in first round winner Taty Frans and was eliminated. It was one adversary less to worry about for Campello, who kept advancing by taking out Kevin Mevissen who stuck a perfect Bob right in front of the crowds.
In the next round Taty Frans ruined the Lanzarote party for Campello by knocking him out with his Caribbean flair. In the semi final Gollito Estredo moved on against Taty Frans to meet Douglas Diaz in the final for the second time today. The first run was dominated by the sixteen year old Gollito, who pulled out a sick shaka but Cheo Diaz had an answer in the re-run and landed 17 moves.

The women had their own battle for freestyle glory going on, picking up the double elimination. Alba went into the semifinal but Karin Jaggi pulled out a great show and met Daida Moreno in the final. n the final, Moreno couldn’t tame Jaggi either. Even a sick air chachoo attempt couldn’t bring the reigning champion victory as Jaggi slashed up the contest area with spocks and flakas and won the heat. Just like the men, the women were in for a resail of the final. In that resail Jaggi seemed to have lost her edge somewhat, while Moreno was on fire, taking advantage. Moreno went through the moves with spocks, a lollypop, a grubby and a flaka, while Jaggi stuck multiple spocks, but wasn’t sticking her other moves, crashing out on a grubby a flaka and a clewfirst spock. Jaggi came close to taking the double, but it wasn’t to be as Daida Moreno took first place and thereby the event title, as well as the overall 2005 freestyle title.



Cheo Diaz y Daida Ruano Moreno vencedores de la prueba de Lanzarote.

Finalmente Ricardo Campello y Daida Ruano campeones del mundo de Freestyle nuevamente. Enhorabuena a los dos campeones [platano2] [platano2] [platano2] [platano2]