Veleros que tambien pasan la barrera de los 50 nudos


Totalwind Gurú
First it was the kiters who overtook the windsurfers and now the boats have moved ahead too. The Macquerie Innovation made an average run of 50.43, but hit a top speed of over 54kts at Sandy Point Australia

Simo McKeon and Tim Daddo made history back in 1993 when Yellow pages took the overall speed record away from windsurfing, and back to the boating world. There it remained for about 10 years until Finian took it back again and reignited the speed world.

Now over 15 years later the the same guys are back with a new and improved boat that is clearly going very fast. On Thursday night they took a new 'c' class record with an average speed of 50.43. Although it will be officially reduced to 50.08kts due to the tide, it is still impressive, still over 50 kts and with a maximum peak over 54kts, looks like they have plenty more in the tank.

What is interesting is that the conditions were still not ideal and the owners of the craft are confident that they can go 2 knots faster without much effort. Beyond that they are still not sure, they expect cavitation problems around the 58kt point!

With windsurfers still a way off the 50 knot barrier it looks like we might be out of the running for the time being. Maybe this is what we need to develop something new and take windsurfing speed to the next level. Who knows if in 10 years time we will all be talking about who can brake the illusive 60 kt barrier!



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Seguiran saliendo records... pero de trastos inutiles, en mi opinion. El unico que me vale es el Hydroptere, que los hace en mar abierto. Deberian hacer una clase "justa", records en mar abierto, a xxx metros de la costa, y se promedia la ida y la vuelta, teniendo que dar la vuelta por si solos en cierto tiempo maximo, como en los records de tierra. Asi quedaria claro que embarcacion es mas rapida en condiciones reales... nada de velas rigidas, tablas asimetricas, lagunas con 10cm de agua, barcos que solo navegan en una direccion, bichos sin timon o que reventarian en trocitos al girar...

Sabeis que el record de velocidad en bici esta en unos 260km/h? eso si, con un buen parapeto delante, para quitar toda la resistencia al aire. Y el record de la hora, en unos 90km/h, en una bici que parece mas un supositorio. Luego esta el record oficial, que establece unas normas para evitar engendros ciclisticos.

mancho dijo:
First it was the kiters who overtook the windsurfers and now the boats have moved ahead too. The Macquerie Innovation made an average run of 50.43, but hit a top speed of over 54kts at Sandy Point Australia

Simo McKeon and Tim Daddo made history back in 1993 when Yellow pages took the overall speed record away from windsurfing, and back to the boating world. There it remained for about 10 years until Finian took it back again and reignited the speed world.

Now over 15 years later the the same guys are back with a new and improved boat that is clearly going very fast. On Thursday night they took a new 'c' class record with an average speed of 50.43. Although it will be officially reduced to 50.08kts due to the tide, it is still impressive, still over 50 kts and with a maximum peak over 54kts, looks like they have plenty more in the tank.

What is interesting is that the conditions were still not ideal and the owners of the craft are confident that they can go 2 knots faster without much effort. Beyond that they are still not sure, they expect cavitation problems around the 58kt point!

With windsurfers still a way off the 50 knot barrier it looks like we might be out of the running for the time being. Maybe this is what we need to develop something new and take windsurfing speed to the next level. Who knows if in 10 years time we will all be talking about who can brake the illusive 60 kt barrier!

Viendo la foto de la "embarcacion" parece un disseño de george lucas para otra peli de star wars [meparto]

Jajajaja [qmeparto]
como no se colgar fotos os dejo los links, estos veleros tmpoco no van tan despacio... [bonk]

y aqui la mejor de todas trimaran vs windsurf: